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This Resources list is a work in progress!  Check here for updates as the list develops.  If you have suggestions on pertinent resources, please contact us via the "contact" page.


Charlottesville City Monuments 

City of Charlottesville : Blue Ribbon Commission on Race, Memorials and Public Spaces Website Accessed July 7, 2017. 

Blue Ribbon Commission Full Report Winter 2016

Blue Ribbon Commission Draft Report (short version) Winter 2016

What Can and Can't be Said: Race, Uplift and Monument Building in the Contemporary South, Dell Upton, 2015

Op-Eds and Editorials


Excuse Me, America, Your House Is on Fire: Lessons from Charlottesville on the KKK and ‘alt-Right.’”, June 27, 2017.

Moments of Rupture: Confederate Monuments and a Southern Town’s Search for Its Identity | The Politic. April 12, 2017. 

From Sylvanaqua Farms, May 17, 2017

The Erasure of Native Americans, Karenne Wood in the Daily Progress, July 20, 2017

This Is Not a Lynch Mob: Charlottesville and the KKK, John Mason, July 7, 2017

Podcasts on Charlottesville


Homegrown-The Morning After with Lisa Woolfork and Jenna Hockman, August 13, 2017

Permanent Exhibits

Black History and Cultural Center of Virginia, Richmond

The Mere Distinction of Colour, James Madison's Montpelier


Life in the Neighborhood, First floor of the Jefferson School City Center

Mulberry Row, Thomas Jefferson's Monticello


Pride Overcomes Prejudice, Jefferson School African American Heritage Center

Walking Tours, Visitor's Guides, and Apps

Daughters of Zion Cemetery Audio Tour


Slavery at the University of Virginia: Visitor's Guide

Jefferson School African American History Walking Tour

Slavery at Monticello: Life and Work at Mulberry Row

Digital Maps

Land Ownership by Race, Rivanna District, Albemarle, about 1940 prepared by Robert Vernon 

Louisa County Historical Society Maps

History of Ivy Creek Natural Area prepared by the Ivy Creek Foundation

Native American History in Charlottesville/Virginia

First People, The Early Indians of Virginia,  Keith Egloff, Deborah Woodward, 1992


 The Virginia Indian Heritage Trail, Edited by Karenne Wood, 2009

We're Still Here, Contemporary Virginia Indians Tell Their Stories, Sandra F. Waugaman and Danielle Moretti-Langholtz,  2000

African American Genaeology and Family Stories


Beyond Kin Podcast with Franzine Taylor


The Coachman - a film by Lorenzo Dickerson

Research at the National Archive and Beyond, Live talk show with Bernice Bennett

African American Burial Sites


African American Cemeteries in Albemarle and Amherst Counties, database

Hidden History: African American Cemeteries in Central Virginia, Lynn Rainville, 2014

Perpetual Neglect: The Preservation Crisis of African-American Cemeteries, Places Journal May 2017

Antebellum Free Black History in Charlottesville
Powerpoint Presentation on Free People of Color in Albemarle County in the 18th Century  by Robert Vernon
Slavery in Charlottesville/Virginia


Digital Archive of Comparative Slavery


 Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narratives Project, Vol. 17, Virginia,  Library of Congress, 1936-1938

Narratives of Slavery,  University of Virginia 2016

Slavery and its Legacies Webcast,  Yale University


Slavery at Jefferson's University,  University of Virginia


Slaves at the University of Virginia, Gayle Shulman, 2005


Slaves, Freedpeople and the University of Virginia,  Catherine Neale, 2006

The Hemingses of Monticello: an American family, Annette Gordon-Reed, 2008


The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, Edward Baptist, 2014

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: an American controversy, Annette Gordon-Reed, 1997

Those Who Labor for My Happiness: Slavery at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, Lucia Stanton, 2012


Twice Condemned: Slaves and the Criminal Laws of Virginia, 1705-1865, Philip Schwartz 1988


Unearthing Slavery at the University of Virginia, Virginia Magazine, spring 2013

Unearthed and Understood, short film by the University of Virginia President's Commission on Slavery and the University

Lynching in Charlottesville/Virginia

The Lynching of John Henry James, a summary from Charlottesville City Council Agenda May 15, 2017, see pages 65-67 

Memorial for Peace and Justice, Equal Justice Initiative

On the Courthouse Lawn: Confronting the Legacy of Lynching in the Twenty-first Century, Sherrilyn Iffil, 2007


Education in Charlottesville

Albemarle's Black Classrooms - documentary by Lorenzo Dickerson

Albemarle schools to use $20k grant to fund study of historical, societal significance of monuments, Daily Progress, July 14, 2017.

Pride Over Prejudice, Edited by Andrea Douglas, PhD

Race and Ethnicity in Education, journal website for educators

Strange fruit indeed: Interrogating contemporary textbook representations of racial violence towards African Americans, Teacher's College Record, 2010.

The Color Line of Scrimmage-  documentary by Lorenzo Dickerson

Urban Renewal in Charlottesville

That World is Gone - short documentary film on Vinegar Hill

In the Streets of Vinegar Hill, William A. James, Sr., 2007 

Life in the Neighborhood, Gundars Osvalds - available at Jefferson School African American Heritage Center Alumni room

The Vinegar Hill Project, Scot French and  Bill Ferster, University of Virginia

Urban Renewal and the End of Black Culture in Charlottesville, Virginia: an oral history of Vinegar Hill, Saunders and Shackelford, 1998.

Housing  in Charlottesville

PHAR Residents' Bill of Rights for Redevelopment - statement adopted by Charlottesville City Council in 2008

We Call These Projects Home, Solving the Housing Crisis from the Ground Up, A Right to the City Alliance Report on Public Housing, May 2010

Reimagining Friendship Court - Charlottesville Tomomorrow January 2019


Criminal Justice in Charlottesville/Virginia

13th, directed by Ava DuVernay, 2016


Just Mercy, Brian Stevenson, 2014


The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Michelle Alexander, 2010

Vagrant Nation: Police Power, Constitutional Change, and the Making of the 1960s, Risa Goluboff, 2016

Immigration in Charlottesville/Virginia

DACA Fact Sheet, Legal Aid Justice Center (also in Spanish)

Whiteness and White Supremacy in Charlottesville

Making Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1890-1940, Grace Elizabeth Hale

The Artifacts of White Supremacy, Kelly J. Baker in Forum,  June 2017

White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo, 2011

On Talking to Children About Race
Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves,  Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards, 2010
Because of Them We Can
Childrens' Books that Tackle Race and Ethnicity, The New York Times, Sept 23, 2016
Social Justice Books, a Teaching for Change Project
Teaching for Change Booklist
Interpreting Histories for the Public

Archaeology as a Tool of Civic Engagement, Barbara Little and Paul A. Shackel, 2007

Interpreting Difficult History at Museums and Historic Sites, Julia Rose, 2016

Representations of History in Contemporary Culture

Cultural Haunting: Ghosts and Ethnicity in Current American Literature, Kathleen Brogan, 1998 


Embodying American Slavery in Contemporary Culture, Lisa Woolfork, 2008

On Being Podcast with Annette Gordon-Reid and Titus Kaphar, June 29, 2017

Readings from the #Charleston Syllabus

many, many resources here on all manner of topics relating to race, history, and the American social fabric

© 2017 by Start with the Story Charlottesville 

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