Start with the Story.
Charlottesville is in the midst of a highly visible conversation regarding its community identity. The city's public spaces and symbols have become a flash point of controversy and a rallying point for many groups. Most troubling is a increasingly visible and vocal group of white supremacists who see the Lee statue in Emancipation Park as a powerful symbolic object.
At the same time, this city has also seen a groundswell of incredible work by academic and lay historians, family story keepers, and genealogists who are uncovering myriad stories about the native communities who first inhabited the land, the many people who have been enslaved in Charlottesville, and the dynamics of race, place, and class in this small southern city.
Use this site to learn about and connect with institutions, projects, advocacy groups, and resources with the aim of "telling the full story of Charlottesville's history of race" in our City's Spaces.
Charlottesville is home to story tellers of all kinds: artists, designers, writers, educators, film-makers, and many others with the capacity to envision how these narratives might be made more visible. This webpage aspires to be a resource for telling true stories about the past.